MMMC - The Blog


I consume, therefore I am

It's hard kicking habits. Specially expensive, timeconsuming, nasty habits...
Christmas is slowly approaching and as the first frost reached the city, I realised it was time to get into the Christmas spirit. It's time to leave the poor student life and blow all whats left of my money on useless consumer goods and products. How I missed it. The need, the desires, the urges of todays modern consumer society. Watching how ads promise me a carefree life of luxury and excess and my God I believe them. Every single one of them. I see how the pricetags slowly but surely lose their meaning and significance. If you would've asked me a month ago I would have said I would never waste my hardearned (let's not take that discussion right now) money on any of the useless shit out there today. And then it struck me. The obvious. How extremely useful everything can be! Of course I need a PDA! Because it needs me! Because society needs me to buy it! Because I need to feel the short term satisfaction of consumption. All the nonsense reasons I make up to justify an expense. It's crazy. I want to act against my better judgement (gone on christmas leave) and against the advise of my reason and sanity (packed their suitcases along with judgement).
This won't work... I won't go through with it. Not only because I can't afford it (ever heard of lay away?) but because I can't let a small addiction take control over my life. Regardless of how much I want it... I can't lose track of what christmas is really about. Family, friends, the joy of giving and the joy of careing . But that feeling doesn't kick in for another month! At least!
Need to stay away from Ebay and away from television. Just for a few more weeks....
Oh yeah... in other news. Got a haircut today. MIT interview coming up. I don't really know what to expect but I'm sure it's going to be a pleasant experience. Still nothing from a couple of schools in GB. But enough about that. Can't wait to go to Cambodia. Planetickets bought and ready. What a kickass experience it's going to be. Might go to Vietnam aswell and check out the remains of some VC camps... But before that, I've got a Maths exam to pass... Smeg.. shouldn't waste time writing a blog when I've got studying to do.
That's it folks...