MMMC - The Blog


Deepfried wonder

Someone said "Never break with the programme, unless you're going all the way". I guess I've stumbled upon something extraordanary (at least in Sweden, I took the idea from an British website). I deep fried something that isn't supossed to be deep fried. A Mar bar. What a total delight! Half melted hyper sweet chocolate covered in crispy dough, with enough fat to make it to the surgeons generals list over hazardous substances. Although exquisite and tasty the Mars bar was, this post is not about the brave Mars bar who sacrificed his well, solidness, for my tastebuds, but about the consequences which arise from deep frying a Mars bar. Of course one could discuss the healt impacts and so on but what would be the fun of that? The things that really interests me is this: What next?
What can be deep fried that the socialistic monarchy of Sweden doesn't acknowledge can be deepfried? Pizza? Hamburgers? Kebab? Club sandwhiches? Small furry animal? Small not furry animals?
The answers, will hopefully be presented here, as soon as I get a couple of literes of frying oil and I find someone who'll volounteer to assist me in this ground-breaking and socially important experiment. Who knows? Maybe the EU has a research grant for this. Well it does actually. The EU food research fund! Slap me silly and call me Bambi. Better start planning.