MMMC - The Blog




The first REAL day of school. With lessons, homework and everything that comes with it. But the day didn’t start there. At 9:25 I started writing the theorytest. Kind of nervous but prepared for this event, I walked into the test room, showed my ID card, sat down infront of a computer and started writing the test. About 25 minutes later, with another 25 minutes left, I was done with the test. The computer instantly corrected the test and the result was: Passed, 63 out 65 questions correctly answered. Ohh yeah. Whos ya daddy?
I got a certificate which I gave to my trafficschool in order to get a time for the driving test, and went to school. First subject: Chemistry HL with Inger. Well, regarding school, everything is the same as it always was. No big surprises. No surprises what so ever. Arthur raising hell during the English lessons was the ultimate evidence that the Status Quo had not been changed.
Speaking about nothing, my arm still hurts after the people at the hospital took the bloodtests. Today I saw why. I don’t know why but an fair amount of blood leaked out and formed a bruise. Here one tries to be nice and what does one get? A bruise. Okey, I’m going to stop being a baby now since it was for a good cause.
Lets just wait until the results get back in.
And yeah.