MMMC - The Blog


Wear sunscreen and see hte Pyramides.

Another day, another place to visit. That is the burden of the travelling men. We decided the day before that it was time to visit THE toursit site of Mexico. Teotihuacan, the ancient Mayan pyramides, buried under the mud and dirt for hundreds of years until 1905. It is stil not entirely explored. Enough about where we're going. After a brief breakfast (mmm. Scrambled eggs) we got o talking with a girl from Germany. Alfie. Travelling alone she wanted to come along with me and Micke to the pyramides. Well, the more the merryer. Soon our roommates Gyn and Matt wanted to go along aswell so what the hell. It was technically the whole room and Alfie that went on to the pyramides. A brief busride through town and a not so brief busride to Teotihuacan (although the busdriver picked up a couple of guitarplayers / mariachis who played for about 15 minutes.. ah nothing like a bus of mexican singing) we arrive at the spot. Great place. We entered and started walking around the ruins of a civilisation lost. Didn't even need a guide as Matt was an excellent narator from his own guidebook. I'll upload some pictures later on but currently the computer at the hostel refuses to recognize my memory card reader... Stupid computer... We walked around, me wearing a T-shirt and shorts and respectuffly declined all the useless stuff the vendors wanted to sell. Probably dismisse about 50 of them. Moving along. After spending the entire day at the pyramidsite and walking around in the scorching sun, we decided to head off home. An even longer bus ride this time and I finally got to see how polluted the Mexico really is.
We ate lunch at a (too) fancy restaurant when I decided to show my friends the ultimate symbol of western gluttony. I took them to Krispy Kreme (those who have heard of them know what I am talking about and those who have not have really missed out).5 people split a dozen doughnuts and I must say I have never seen a box of doughnuts go down that fast... yum yum.
The rest of the evening was spent rather quietly at the bar on the first floor of the hostel, sitting and talking and having a few beers. Pretty good day I must say. Except when we realized we have gotten a rather bad case of the T-shirt sunburn...
Today, Micke and I visited the business centre of Mexico city and walked 4 kilometers to the "lungs of Mexico city". A park. Actually rather big park, 4sq km. We spent the day trying to get rid of the T-shirt burn... My I look silly but nevermind. Iäve got lots of tanning to do before we leave.
Hope all is well!