MMMC - The Blog


Some food for the mind...

Greetings friends!
Well, now that yours truly has recovered from all the festivities it was time to entertain ourselves with the beautiful views of Mexico City.
Once again we headed off to the downtown centre Zocalo which also is the place where alot of cultural spots are located.

The cathedral, a magnificent place although one cannot help to question if grand places like it didn't actually take people away from the most important fundamental values of religion. Because, what is really important? God, Jesus and faith. Gold and splender can take the focus away from those things. Not to mention it was used as a tool to control the masses.
Also included is a picture of the market place. Quite crowded, quite big... Everything for everyone.
Moving along...
We went alittle of to the Museo de Bellas Artes which was currently hosting an excibition called Eternidad fugitiva. Eternity caught/trapped. It was mainly an photo/video exhibition about events from the last 50 years. Earthquake in Mexico city, the Tsunami, The dictators of Europe, war and all that kind of stuff. Quite fascinating what can be caught on film and how it can be edited. But it wasn't all about that. Also there was a quite interesting part about how the perfect proportions of women have changed over the last 100 years. People and standards do change indeed.
Yet all these thing kind fade in comparision to the murial that was on display. It was the Man in the middle of the universe by Diego Rivera. Technically it was a statement of his own beliefs, painted over an enormous canvas. It represented the good of Socialism versus the evil of Capitalism and Imperialism. Capitalism was represented by the first world war, corruption, infants treated like animals and government repression in the form of police violence and such. The Communsit/socialist side was Lenin happly in a crown of all kinds of people, Trotsky, Karl Marx, happy and struggeling workers fighting for justice... All that kind. And inbetween those two sides, the man in the middle of the universe. I won't bother you with my analysis of the work but I need to say, Diego Rivera was married to Frida Kahlo, a very very good friend of Trotsky so I don't know if it was there he got influenced or he picked his partner and friends after his beliefs of political system but the murial was definetly prosocialisit.
Intrigued by Diego Riveras murial, we decided to head of to another museum dedicated to Diego Rivera. Quite astonishing works he had painted... Indeed he has qualified to my 10 top artists list.
And so the day went by...
I see that my friend Mikael is complaining about the Mexican food. I need to clarify one things. In Mexico they put meat into everthing and I mean everything. Personally, I love this. I see meat wherever I go! But, as Mikael is vegitarian (and we are on a strict budget) we decided to cook our own meals (read cook as put a tortilla into the microwave). It's cheaper and Micke doesn't have to worry about the meat because quite frankly I havent seen one vegitarian meal on any of the restaurants menus... I can understand that he is frustrated about this. And I don't mind cooking my own food. Cheaper and probably more healthy...