MMMC - The Blog


Leaving Bangkok

First things first.
Adsense shut me down (F#ckin ars.....), so there goes that bowl of rice a day... Oh well. There are other ways to make ends meat.

But back to Bangkok.
For me it's impossible to either love or hate this city. It's both I must say. We spent most of our days cruising along the better parts of Bangkok, looking at shops in Siam discovery centre and such, saw the palace and all that stuff. The polution is bad in this city but it isn't Lund we're talking about right?
The nightlife is awesome here and if you have the cash, you can do whatever you want. The dancing places however... Quite surprised to see so many working women everywhere. And it's not the good ol fashioned standing on the street corner offering their services type.
We went to a couple of places and it was filled with women almost killing eachother to have a dance with us. To bad one quite quickly realises that it isn't just my elegant charm that drives them to me. So in the end, we kind of drew the generalisation that almost all asian girls on the dancefloor were working (probably including a rather tall asian girl with a conspicuisly large adams apple). Not the best Valentines day I must say. Going out clubbing and realising that almost everything had a pricetag. But, why let that ruin the entire evening. A dance is always free of charge, although quite obviously, alot of Western tourists were quite willing to take their new found friends out of the club and somewhere else. But ya'll know me. I don't play that game.
But now it's time to leave Bangkok and go back to that lovely country in the East, Cambodia, to see the rest og Phnom Penh and to end the Asia section of the BIg Asian and cenTral american CHallenge.

More news as it pops up.