MMMC - The Blog


Quick update

Hello friends.
Just wanted to give ya'll a quick update of what's happening here.
We began the Advanced Open Water course yesterday (with Papa Alex), did the Multilevel, Peak Performance Bouyancy, Deep dive (30m, unfortunetly I didn't really feel any nitrogen narcosis but that could have been due to the EAN32 I was using) and Navigation dive. I've got the Night dive left which should be really be a kickass experience.
But I'll update the blog a bit more when I return to Bangkok and I'll upload a couple of pictures from the boat and such there.
Right now I've got to study a bit about Nitrox safety (PADI being an american organisation is rather paranoid about everything). Exam in an hour.
But as I said. I'll give ya'll more when I return to Bangkok (tomorrow).




  • _You crazy mofo, all that nitrogen will go to ur brain u know! Take care.

    By Blogger Dave, at 10:50 em  

  • also: there, I clicked on a link for you, arn't I just the best

    By Blogger Dave, at 10:51 em  

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