MMMC - The Blog


From Bangkok to Chiang Mai and back, Let the sausage fest begin!

We took the overnight bus from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, we arrived at 07:00 and started our trek at 09:30. No rest, just asskicking. As our group was gathered, we suddenly realised there were only dudes on our trek. 5 Brits, 2 Isrealis, 2 Canadians, 2 Swedes (that's us), a japenese dude and 3 other people of unknown origin. As the brits put it, it was a real sausagefest, in comparison to the fannywagon with 9 chicks and 2 dudes. Now that must have been a real trip. But as there were no women on our trip we could what real men do best. Fart. And we did it loudly and proudly! The trek began with a 3 hour trek up the mountain through the Thai jungle up to a small hilltribe village where we spent the night. Our host was a Mr. Wee who tried to minimise our longing for the opposite sex by doing a rather poor, but funny "lady boy" impression. It was like: Hey sexy boy, would you like to come over? Call me! Hey Sexy boy! You must have seen it to get it. I realised one thing about the brits. Alot of cursing. It was "cunt" this and "bollocks" that and "I bet those two guys on the fannywagon are getting alot of drillling done right as we speak". Not to mention their constant longing for Sweet Mary Jane. After the trek up the dangerous and challenging Thai terrain, we were pretty beat and we spent the evening just talking crap and exchanging stories by the fire in the village...
The following morning, we were woken by something which most of us believed was Burma invading Thailand, or the villagers hunting pigs with large caliber rifles. For some apparent reason (anyone who knows of a special holiday around the 3rd of February in Thailand is asked to enlighten me) the villagers decided that they should blow up their whole stash of fireworks at 06:30... Well, after the explosions began, the whole town was up, including the roosters, hens, pigs, dogs and God knows what else.
The day began with a rather nice walk down the hill to a waterfall where the adventurous trekkers decided to take a bath (not that we had to care for our hygiene anyway, only dudes around). The best thing about the small villages was how friendly ereryone were, especially the kids who had a hell of a time bugging us trekkers and trying to get our attention.
The trekk continued along the stream to another waterfall and then on to our new sleeping quarters. The trek wa good, alot of different terrain with varying difficulty. Quite enjoyable but I thank God that I brought my boots. Wouldn't have been very entertaining trek otherwise. Quite alot of people got wet during the trek (Gore-tex saved the day).

Another night, another night of little or no sleep. It was frickin icecold. We had our camp right by the river that took whatever heat it could from land and passed on. Quite cold I must say. And louder than mine and Konrads Rammstein evenings. But we made it through the night, woke up and it was time to do all the touristy stuff. We rode on elephants, went white water rafting and finally bamboo rafting. Quite a chgallenge to race on a raft made of 6 bamboosticks with 5 people on it but we did it.And won...All this touristy stuff was alot of fun although we had our doubts about if the elephants were well taken care of.. They looked a tad fatigued... Still don't know. But everything was one hell of a time!

We then finally returned to Chiang Mai at 16:00 to take the bus to Bangkok at 18:00.
What a trek I tell ya.

Bus to Bangkok, another night with little or no sleep. I can't sleep on a bumpy bus but we arrived in Bangkok today, went windowshopping for electronics at NBK ( at least I did, Micke endulged in his urges and bought a cellphone) and finally ended up lost in Bangkok. Not a city you want to be lost in I must say. 15 million people... We ended up for some reason in an all Thai neighbourhood and we were the only skinny whiteboys around... Not the place to be when you're a stupid tourist. So did we take our chances? Hell no! We took the first cab that drove up and went back to the safe Khaosan Rd. Ahh...

But now it's time to head of to Koh Tao to do some diving! YEAH!
More news as it comes up and hopefully there'll be an internet cafe on the island. But until then... Take care.

A small bulletin: As we slowly watch how our financial resources are disappearing, we suddenly realised the value of money. We can get a bowl of fried rice for 20 baht here, or $0.50 so click away on the banners :).



  • Second picture from the top, guy furthest to the right... HE HAS MY BACKPACK!.. *bwahahaha*

    By Blogger Dave, at 6:53 em  

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