MMMC - The Blog


The big one begins

Well. This is the beginning of my 9 month vacation. Tomorrow I'll be on a plane bound to Phenom Phen, Cambodia (and when saying a plane I of course mean that I am going to make two 4 hour stops, one in Amsterdam and one in Kuala Lumpur). I'm packed, got most things that I need. The paper work seems to be in order.
I said goodbye to everyone left here in Malmö. Family and friends. All the shopping is done. Everythings seems to be in order. Yeah right. I'm just waiting for something to jump up and bite me right on the ass. I must confess. I am a bit nervous, but I'm always like this right before a big trip. I'll get my cool nerves back at the airport.
Anyway. I'll try to update this blog whenever I get to an internet café and maybe upload a picture or two everyonce in a while so stay tuned for Martin and Mikaels BIg Asian and cenTral american CHallenge, or BIATCH for short. Or simply Martin and Mikaels Big Asian and Central American Adventure. BACAA. Whatever floats your boat.
Wish me luck friends!

Martin Ceglinski