MMMC - The Blog


Back again

So, I am back. After a short period of inactivity it is time to start writting again about my adventurous life. And what an exciting life it has been. I guess the inactive period was triggered by the fact that my not-so-old-and- definetly-not-faithful 40GB harddrive decided to go belly-up and end it's life with a bang. Or to be more precise, a lot of clicky sounds everytime I attempted to read any data of it. And along with the harddrive went everything I didn't backup. Which means exactly everything.
But let by-gones be by-gones. Christmas was very nice with the whole family gathered together in that magical harmony that only christmas can induce. All my friends from GB came back aswell and to be quite honest, I didn't realise how much I missed having them around. Machonights with Dave and Neil, Fancy dinners with Cata,Mia and Orsi, and Inas, well, spontenuety I guess. Not that Lund hasn't offered a wide variety of interesting individuals (I studied maths mind you) but old friends are as y'all know old friends.
Alot has happened since my last post. My friend Mikael began the adventure of a life time by going to his parents in Cambodia, and within a week, I'll be joining him and we'll go on what hopefully will become a glorious memory of... well I'm not sure what to expect but surely it will be a most memorable trip that we will look back upon with nostalgia.
And so, the count down begins. Tickets have been paid, drugs have been prescribed and collected, plasma has been donated, backpacks have been bought and everything is set. I'm leaving the 24th of Jan.
I have however become ill. Probably just the sniffles and I'm hoping to be perfectly restored by the time I leave but you can't really tell.
I'm not sure if Im going to continue to write in English or I'll switch to Swedish so my parents can read this. It's a question of censorship I guess. What do i want my friends to know and what do I want my parents to know and of course,what will I want to keep to myself until the day I die. I guess it might end up as Dr. Glas by Hjalmar Söderberg.
I'll probably stick to english, write emails to my family and keep a personal notebook of other events but who knows.
As I maneged to pass all the maths exams, it means I'm currently on a summer holiday whcih should last until september. Wrote my first Curriculum Vitae today. Scary how little there was to put there but I sent it out to some agencies to see if I can get a job after I come back.
Time flies... Long days and pleasant nights to all of ya.