MMMC - The Blog



What a couple of days this has been. We've written our final exam for the Open Water course, gonna get the results back today, done our final dives and if everything goes right, by 17:00 GMT +7 today, I'll have my certificate... But thats not enough. I need more. I really need it. We've decided to start the Advanced Open Water Course tomorrow. Probably gonna add a Nitrox course (36 percent oxygen instead of 21) to that. This means of course longer dives.
We wake up at 06:30 (it's a pain but what can I do?) and do two 40 minute dives. Awesome. I've seen all kinds of stuff down there, including a Clown fish (Nemo). Poor little fellow... Anyway, we get back at lunch and then have the days off to soak up the sun, kick back, have a few beers and enjoy our selves. You just gotta love diver mentality. Dive in the day, party during the night. There was a divers festival on the island last night with constant live performances from 18:00 to 06:00. Didn't stay that long but what a party! The festival constited of two things. Bars and bands. Hardly any food around...
Today, we did our final dive at 20 meters (officially 18 but it's not always that easy to control bouyancy). It's funny how alot of the fish isn't scared of divers at all. I actually almost touched a fish before I saw four rather unproportionally large and pointy teeth in it's mouth. Kind of decided not to chance irritating it, I have medical coverage but why risk it.Oh yeah, the final dive was videofilmed. And of course, when there is a videocamera around, you need to do whatever it takes to entertain the audience. Me and Micke made total fools out of ourselves but what can you do when you're a camerawhore. It's gonna be cool to see if it turned out anygood. Might actually buy the DVD...

Other news: I'm eating rather well (has to do with the rather cheap prices and large variety of food offered around here), maybe a bit to well... Needto cut our budgets somewhere but lets worry about that problem abit later shall we?


  • lol. Martin my little camerawhore... hahaha. köp dvdn så jag kan titta :) Saknar dej ju. Dessutom e det kul när du skämer ut dej själv :P Ina sover i min säng förtillfället. Jag e sjuk :( Och du är saknad <3

    By Blogger Orsi, at 9:10 fm  

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