MMMC - The Blog


Koh Tao baby yeah!

Well. After the most comfortable bus rides EVER (comfy seats, blankets everything!) and after a trip with a catamaran which could make a sailor seasick we arrived at Koh Tao, a beautiful Thai island. We jumped off, went to Buddhaview diving and began our diving course the same day. Just gotta love the pace we have...
Those who have done the PADI Open Water Course know what I mean when I say that the theory behind diving is mostly selfevident. Anyone with just basic physics knowledge wouldn't have a problem. After a little theory it was time for the moment of truth. Diving in a pool. It is now that people decide if diving is for them or not. We prepped our gear, and went in and below. What a feeling! It was so abstract to be able to be underwater for so long. It took a while to get adjusted to the way of breathing (deep, slow breaths and don't use your nose unless you want the mask to squeeze your brain out of your ears). But it was cool. Really cool.
After the dive we did what most divers do. Eat greasy food and drink lots of beer. One downside is all the tourists but hey, it keeps the prices down for the diving and I got to practice my german a little. We met a couple of pretty friendly swedes here. Anna, Marie, Anna, Anders and Viktor. Cool people.

Today it was even more theory but we got on a boat, went out to Mango bay and did our very first nature dive. I can't even describe the feeling. We practiced maneouvers in the water first (bouancy and all that stuff) but after that we swam to a coral reef. I swear those fish have something against me. They ( a whole frickin group of them) swam up like 30 cm away from my mask and just looked at me... Our whole group was surrounded by them (perhaps because we threw in a few cookies earlier that they devouered greedly) There also was a trigger fish here but it was simply minding its own business and didn't bother us( four rather nasty teeth that don't mind having a bite from your suit or face if you enter their territory during matingseason)
Swimming was total weightlessness (I know that isn't true because ofcourse we were influenced by gravity) simply swimming around, controlling bouyancy with the amount of air we had in our lungs. Doing flips and all kind of stuff. Great fun! And the corals! In my days on land I have yet to see something as beautiful as that (sunrise and sundown perhaps can stand the match but this was something really special). Colours everywhere... And the best part, the ocean was really warm today, like 28-30 degrees. Nice and comfy. It sure is going to be something awesome when we finish the course and we are most probably heading on the the Advanced Open Water course directly afterwards. Get some Nitrox training and such... I think I can really get into this sport. Alot of techniques to practice, alot of skills to learn but its really awesome. Worth every effort.

The life on the resort is quite pleasant. Great bbq every evening, divers, divemasters and instructors in the bars partying all the time. Great feel to this place. Its great to simply kick back after dives and relax at one of the restaurants located by the ocean. Food is not that expensive. You can fill your empty stomach for meals costing 150 baht. And if you're still bored by the bars and restaurants, you can go to another part of the island and go to clubs, discos or whatever.

I hope everything is going well back home.
Miss ya'll



  • oooh, it sounds great, Take pictures! Miss ya

    By Blogger Orsi, at 1:35 em  

  • Martin lilla vän, skippa hatten, jag har aldrig sett en mer turistig människa i mitt liv. Har du blivit rånad än?
    Kommer du till UCL nästa år?

    By Blogger Catariya Lundgren, at 9:41 em  

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