MMMC - The Blog


Cancun- A springbreak bonanza

Hello ladies and Gentlemen.
After a short while of inactivty on the blog side I figured it was time to update you about the condition of your favorite backpackers.
We left for Cancun the 10th on a rather luxurious 24 hour busride. Yeah, I know we should save money but considering the 24 hours we really couldn´t stand sitting on anythign remotly resembeling the Siem Reap bus.
Anyway. Moving on...
We arrived in Cancun, found the hostel and did the only thing possible in this american resort they call a town. Went to the beach.
We accidently arrived in Cancun during the period when american collages are having breaks for a few weeks. And most of the people go to some tropical place like Acapulco or.... Cancun.
The beaches are great, it´s like being on a island. There is a 18 kilometer long road with beaches on both sides of it. You just have to pick where you want to go. The waves are good, the water is warm, and the women are well... american. Rather drunk rather early but still quite of lot nice people out there.
So this is the deal. The beach during hte day and whatever during the night.
The first night we went into to some nightclubs (you just haveto hate cover fees, the´re really picking the tourists, us included, dry with those) but they were all sausagefests more or less. Not to mention the music was to much influenced by Hip Hop and RnB... Definetly not doing that again...
With the first night rather failed, we decided to try a different (and cheaper) approach. Micke, I and a german dude named Janus, simply party alittle at the hostel and then simply go out to bars that have some springbreak parties! Pure, simple and definetly awesome!
All the Americans have bought like package deals where they get an open bar at different places every night. All we had to do was sneak into the open bar area (just to be kicked out by the security guards when they noticed we didn´t have our "drink all we want" bracelets that could be bought for 35 dollars) and have a few drinks until, well... security did their sweep.
But even kicked out we had a great time. We sat on the beach outside the bar and talked to the people who were on the beach. Majority americans, quite drunk and very loud (that goes for the Canadians aswell). We had a pretty good time...
The following days it was the same.
Beach during the days, cooking our own food in the evening and parties during the night.
But now it´s time to leave this American colony and go to Isla Mujeres, another tourist resort but with beautiful dive sites, so perhaps we´ll get the possibility to get some diving done aswell.
Uploading pictures still doesn´t work but have no fear... Sooner or later we´ll find a computer that doesn´t mess up bloggers upload function...

That´s all for now.


  • Did you make fun of Janus because you can't spell his name without "anus", oh well no matter. Have fun in the sun you two scallywags.

    By Blogger Dave, at 8:06 em  

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