MMMC - The Blog




The first REAL day of school. With lessons, homework and everything that comes with it. But the day didn’t start there. At 9:25 I started writing the theorytest. Kind of nervous but prepared for this event, I walked into the test room, showed my ID card, sat down infront of a computer and started writing the test. About 25 minutes later, with another 25 minutes left, I was done with the test. The computer instantly corrected the test and the result was: Passed, 63 out 65 questions correctly answered. Ohh yeah. Whos ya daddy?
I got a certificate which I gave to my trafficschool in order to get a time for the driving test, and went to school. First subject: Chemistry HL with Inger. Well, regarding school, everything is the same as it always was. No big surprises. No surprises what so ever. Arthur raising hell during the English lessons was the ultimate evidence that the Status Quo had not been changed.
Speaking about nothing, my arm still hurts after the people at the hospital took the bloodtests. Today I saw why. I don’t know why but an fair amount of blood leaked out and formed a bruise. Here one tries to be nice and what does one get? A bruise. Okey, I’m going to stop being a baby now since it was for a good cause.
Lets just wait until the results get back in.
And yeah.


Monday morning started 9:30 due to the fact that the tickets for Rammstein in Copenhagen were to be released at 10:00. 10:11, the reservation of the tickets was complete which means: Me, Konrad, David and Kamil are going to see Rammstein! Ohh yeah…
Moving along to school.
First day of school so to say. The beginning of the end. The beginning of more homework, coffee addiction and late nights. The beginning of pain and suffering. Ahh. The suffering, the sweet suffering. Putting the awareness of the pain to come, people were quite optimistic. Fools. FOOLS I SAY!!! Time will prove me right…
Bantita called. Lord knows what will happen when her dad gets the phonebill…



The weekend was pretty good. Me, my brother and his fiancé went to Vallåkra to watch a car show. There were some really cool tuned cars and also some beautiful classics like this one below. That was Saturday anyway. Sunday was ultra mellow. I had to enjoy my last day of freedom, my last day before IB2. Had a whiskey espresso, watched “Once upon a time in Mexico” and did nothing the rest of the day. Lovely.


Haircut and service

Yes, it's true. I decided to have that jungle I called hair cut.
went to a real studio this time and got a pretty good cut. My
hairdresser convinced me to by a shampoo against dandruff. So now I'm
buying beuty products… great. Oh well, it doesn't hurt to try does
it? But the haircut turned out good. Ohhhh Yeah…
Went to the traffic school and studied more driving theory. The
weather was crap by the way. Rain almost all day.
I came home and there it was… A letter from the Swedish military

My time has come to do the tests to see if I'm fit
for military service… I don't know about this. Do I want to serve? Do
I have a choice? Well, if I have to do it, I might as well get an
useful placement.
At 18:30 I went over to Konrads house. Beernight with a couple of his
friends and a girl that he likes. Met Jocke again (the bartender at
Chockladfabriken) and a bunch of people whom I have never seen. It
was nice anyway. Plenty of beer and plenty of Rammstein and Pink
We went for a stroll in the night to see the fireworks and we stopped
to see some horses when from behind a car passed us. It just happened
to be my brother in his VW Passat. Called him up, we talked and he
had seen by the horses. "I was wondering what the hell those
hooligans were doing to those poor horses"
Well, 24:00 my mum picked me up from Konrads and I went home.
I also got an sms from Bantita… She's in S:t Petersburg with her
parents. We really had some great times in Germany. I hope she's
doing fine now.
Oh well. Thats it.



Well, the day started of with a new driving lesson, highway driving this time. It went alright I would say. Later on me and my brother went to the hospital and decided to make a contribution to the society. I signed up as a blood doner...

The doctor ran a few test (not everyone are allowed to donate blood for obvious reasons) and when the results get back in, I'll be able to donate blood. I’ve been wanting to do this ever since I was 16, but one has to be 18 in order to donate. I haven’t donated a single drop yet, one taken a couple of test but in a few weeks I hope I will be able to donate.
I believe it’s for a good cause. Blood is needed daily for operations, treatment of cancer ill patients and treatment of Haemophilia and my city (or actually the whole region) doesn’t have enough blood doners to meet the demands.

So hey… And I got a cool T-shirt saying “100% bussig”. It means in this context 100% generous/nice or something. Plus my brother got a ticket to the cinema for recruiting me…
It’s actually a pretty nice place. They give you drinks and snacks so that you don’t feel ill after donating you 0.45 litres of blood. But hey hey. We’ll see what happens in a few weeks.
Other than that, nothing.

Cups of coffee today:
Double espressos: 4
Regular brew: 1
Approximated caffeine intake: 400 – 450 mg (I had a Coca Cola also)



The first BLOG entry.
The day started off with a drivinglesson, 8:45 in the morning. People of Malmö, Stay off the streets!! I mean it! If not for the fact thatI'm learning to drive, then for the fact that the festival begins onfriday. Half of the center is closed down, busses take detours,shopkeepers preparing and working hard. STILL there are plenty of people, driving around in the city, creating trafficjamseverywhere,polluting the environment and worst of all and I meanreally WORST of all, annoying the crap out me and every decent tohalf decent citizen.
Well, the jams are pretty bad but not all thepeople creating the mare I guess. I'm just annoyed that I have tospend valuble time of my timelimited driving lesson in a line. Ohwell... The weather in Malmö right now: Warm, but cloudy. sure beats warm andrainy and cold and rainy. But we'll see more of that in the future, Iam sure.Moving along. I'm preparing for my driving theorytest on tuesday. Studying hard or hardly studying? Good question! Other than that, theday has been quite calm and relaxing. I finally got my old NikonCoolpix 990 to work again (it's still messed up inmany ways but I'mable to take pictures again)Speaking of nothing, remarkable how great an americancheesecaketastes. yummy yummy yummy. Well, until next time anything happens ordoesn't happen.

Schoolstarts: 5 days
Therory test: 6 days
TOK essay draft: 15 days
EE draft: 20 days