MMMC - The Blog


Back in Antigua

Well friends. We went to Panajachel, by chicken bus. took 5 hours and wasn't even half as bad as the Siem Reap bus. the town is located right by lake Atitlan. Big lake, created by volcanos and speaking of which, there were 3 active volcanes by the lake... Nice and safe. We mainly cruised around, went swimming, visited a couple of town with extremly crowded markets. No biggies really. Except that all the women wore traditional dresses all day long. That looked pretty cool actually.
Other news. After being rejected by almost all schools I applied for in the USA, University of California Berkeley saved my arse and offered my a place. Now I have to decide if the states is the place for me or if I should take the offers from England instead. Decisions decisions decisions....
Anyhow. We're back in Antigua now, just had my hear cut and got a shave aswell. There really is no feeling like a straight razor. Why aren't there more barbershops in Europe??
This was just a quick update. I'll post something else right before we leave Guatemalaor when we arrive in Honduras.


  • Maaaaaartin! Jag tycker valet är ganska självklart! Jag menar... du kan ju inte bo i USA om du ska bli farbror, och du kan inte bo där för då kommer jag inte alls få se dej och jag vill ha dej här! Du är medveten om att jag kommer böna och be tills du väljer england va? TÄNK PÅ DIN MAMMA MARTIN! Vad ska HON göra om du bor så långt borta!? Du borde skämmas ;) (fan vad jag saknar dej...) Ta hand om er nu och låt inte kvinnorna i de traditionella kläderna förföra er med deras charm ;) Love ya!

    By Blogger Orsi, at 6:13 em  

  • There are no barbershops here in yurp cos we're all far to homicidal. My hands smell nice cos I washed em with nice smelling soap. yay

    By Blogger Dave, at 5:00 em  

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